The mixer wagon is now an established part of the chain that deals with livestock feeding, because if it is important to provide quality fodder, it is equally true that the right mixing is essential for a correct cattle feed. The spread of mixer wagons began as a mechanical aid in feeding livestock, and then refined over the years with the most modern technologies to best satisfy the food and nutritional needs of animals.
Capacities varies from 1 auger  11 m3 to 3 augers  46 m3

Mixer wagons have become the key point to prepare the right mixes based on the indications of the agro-food nutritionist, preparing the rations with uniform composition. In this way, it is certain that every day the cattle’s food ration will be in the right dose and chemical-physical composition, with the mixer wagon that will have prepared the unifeed in a homogeneous way and with the right length of the fiber.
Sizes start from 1 auger 11 m3 to 3 augers 46 m3

Innovative self-propelled mixer wagon with a lot of futuristic features , this machine will take the routine daily feeding process to the next level . and will upgrade the farm feeding strategy. The first in the world with 100% full electric engine .